"The Navigator" News Blog

How to Gain Trust With Customers

In a conversation a few weeks ago, I heard a phrase that, frankly, I was hoping had made it to the dumpster of old sales philosophies.  There is an antiquated mentality in sales that says “Buyers … Continue reading How to Gain Trust With Customers

You Can’t Always Get What You Want…But In Sales, You’d Better Ask!

Sometimes, the key to success in selling is to get back to basics. I’ve talked a lot in the last few years about how the balance of power has shifted firmly towards empowered buyers. With more … Continue reading You Can’t Always Get What You Want…But In Sales, You’d Better Ask!

Sales and Marketing: The Marriage Whose Time Has Come

Note:  This article is a collaboration between myself and Stephanie Smith of The Grind Marketing.  I’ve asked Stephanie to collaborate with me because I want my readers to be on the cutting edge – and these … Continue reading Sales and Marketing: The Marriage Whose Time Has Come

“I’m Not a Salesperson,” and Other Lies You Tell Yourself

If there’s anything that is guaranteed to drive me up a wall, it’s when salespeople refuse to call themselves salespeople.  In fact, when someone is selling to me and they say, “I’m not a salesperson,” I … Continue reading “I’m Not a Salesperson,” and Other Lies You Tell Yourself

You Can’t Fake Rapport.

Last week, I made a trip to work with a client in Central California, doing a Sales Audit.  It was a great trip for many reasons, but one of the greatest was this.  That area is … Continue reading You Can’t Fake Rapport.

What to Do When Business is Down

I hear salespeople say, “Troy, business is down,” a lot.  After my years of experience in sales, I usually translate that to, “Troy, sales aren’t coming to me as easily as they used to.”  As a … Continue reading What to Do When Business is Down

When You Join the Buyer’s Journey in the Middle

Joining the Buyer’s Journey in the middle is a unique challenge, but let’s face it – most of you are doing that on a regular basis.  When a buyer calls “just wanting a price,” they have … Continue reading When You Join the Buyer’s Journey in the Middle

How to Do Cold LinkedIn Outreach

Most salespeople don’t know how to do cold LinkedIn outreach.  Many salespeople try to do cold LinkedIn outreach and do it badly.  Houston, we have a problem!  Don’t we? I’m in a fairly good place to … Continue reading How to Do Cold LinkedIn Outreach

Those Who Don’t Remember You Don’t Buy From You

I’ve been talking a lot lately about the need for salespeople to be memorable.  Last week, I was reminded of a funny thing that happened several years ago. I was in a business networking meeting, and … Continue reading Those Who Don’t Remember You Don’t Buy From You

Motivation: The Foundation of the Buyer’s Journey

Last week, I did a one-on-one Zoom call with a guy who was trying to sell me a marketing system.  He opened by saying that he had sold life insurance for over 40 years and, “As … Continue reading Motivation: The Foundation of the Buyer’s Journey